Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Students First Files Law Suit Against Tenure

Senator Lieu has been pursuing empty, feckless legislation for the greater part of his career in Sacramento.

While he poses for benign photos with his family and constituents, he is also passing bills which are hurting businesses, adding more unnecessary layers to the regulatory nanny state in California, and still ignore the controversial yet impending problems in our state.

We have a pension problem that is pressuring our financial future with greater probity. Governor Brown has gone out of his way, alienating his own party and constituents to deal with the looming budget issues that entitlements run amok have done to the Golden state.

We have unsecured borders which have not provided adequate protection for taxpayers and are slowly throttling the American Dream that immigrants are searching for when the come to the United States.

We have a school system which is falling in the ranks, not just for the spending which goes everywhere but toward the classroom, but also for the unworkable worker rules that protect bad teachers, punish good teachers, stall any meaningful reforms.

The public school system is in disarray because of too much government, too much oversight which refuses to see the blatant  failure, and too little freedom for districts, schools,  teachers, parents, and students to choose what they teach, learn, or where they go to school.

We must stop this insanity, Senator Lieu. There is simply no further excuse for paying through the nose for a portion of the public sector which is not longer serving the public.

It is a sad day when students have to mount their own lawsuits in court because their local leaders refuse to stand up to the teachers' unions or school boards. We need to see fewer handouts to the public sector, more power to parents and teachers to run schools in the best interests of the student, and an end to the crass cronyism that is holding the next generation in bondage to a bad education.

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