Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lieu to Retrain Unemployed


State Senator Ted Lieu wants to spend more money helping the unemployed get more training.

I have a better idea. Why doesn't the state senator spend more time training his attention on the state's fiscal mess.

The state of California still has one third of the country's welfare recipients.

Instead of more "job welfare", how about diminishing the welfare rolls more and more so that California residents will  have no choice but to get out there and get a job.

With the state spending less money on consumption, the diminished inflation and tax burden would bring in more businesses, more investment, more revenue, and more people off the dole and on a roll making a living and making the most of their lives.

Senator Lieu, instead of spending our money to help train the unemployed, why not spend more of your money training for another professional altogether.

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